Natural Non-Invasive Medical Care For Adults and Children



Our approach involves creating personalized treatment plans to effectively manage both chronic and acute health conditions.

Services are only available for care plan patients so we can provide the best care and recommendations based on health history and lab results.

We take an integrated care approach to managing chronic illness which includes screenings, check-ups, monitoring and coordinating treatment, and patient education.

This approach helps improve each individual’s quality of life by preventing or minimizing the effects of a chronic disease while reducing healthcare costs.

Dr. Robert Selig works one-on-one with his patients to help them discover what is at the root of their chronic health problems with a complete health analysis using advanced testing such as Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA), Organic Acids Testing (OAT), and GI Map Testing which have each been revolutionary in revealing nutrient deficiencies, heavy metal toxicities, and chemical imbalances correlating with chronic health issues.




The new patient exam is a comprehensive hour and a half exam with a 30-minute follow up care plan presentation. It does not include any lab costs, but feel free to bring recent lab work and results to your initial consultation to be taken into account. Once you purchase the care plan, there is an initial appointment to distribute all the labs, then we make appointments once the results come in to go over each one in detail. At this time we also start the in-office treatments.




Natural Medicine & Homeopathy | Based on years of research, we've hand-selected and imported the highest quality nutritional supplements and herbs from around the world to give you maximum results. Never get sick again is our motto. We’ll introduce you to the most effective nutrients and homeopathic remedies to address your specific chronic health problems.

Traditional Chinese Medicine | A style of traditional medicine informed by modern medicine and built on a foundation of more than 2,500 years of Chinese medical practice that includes various forms of herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage (tui na), exercise (qigong), and dietary therapy.

Detoxification & Skin Improvement | Learn the necessary detoxification protocols that efficiently remove toxins and foreign chemicals from your body so you experience results faster. Protocols includes coffee enema therapy, infrared saunas, niacin therapy, binders, dry skin brushing, homeopathic organ support, foot ionizers, mineral rebalancing and more. You can expect balanced hormones and an improved glow to your skin with less problems like eczema, dermatitis, and acne.

Weight Loss & Custom Nutrition Plan | Naturally, your body will begin balancing itself out as you maintain a healthier weight with the right food choices and habits based on your individual lab results. These results will indicate foods that contribute to your health symptoms so you’ll find out what you need to be avoiding, the best foods to give you energy based on your biochemistry, and how you can plan and prepare nutritious meals.

Emotional Freedom Techniques | Emotional stress will impede the natural healing potential of any human body and derail an entire healing plan. We help our patients suffering through emotional traumas by using alternative medicine, acupuncture, neuro-linguistic programming, energy medicine, and Thought Field Therapy (TFT).

Acute Care, Injuries, & Worker's Comp. | Short-term treatment for our patients in cases of severe injury, episode of illness, an urgent medical condition, or recovery from surgery.


Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) | We use non-invasive hair testing to monitor our care plan patients instead of traditional blood testing. This is the only test to provide accurate cellular information about the body’s mineral matrix that is not shown on any other test. A lab test is as good as its interpretation, so Dr. Selig provides an expert analysis based on years of experience to help you understand the results in order to address the mineral deficiencies and heavy metal toxicities at the root of your chronic health problems.

Organic Acids Testing (OAT) | A comprehensive metabolic snapshot of a patient’s overall health with over 70 markers. An OAT offers an accurate evaluation of intestinal yeast and bacteria. Abnormally high levels of these microorganisms can cause or worsen behavior disorders, hyperactivity, movement disorders, fatigue, and immune function. Many people with chronic illnesses and neurological disorders often excrete one or more abnormal organic acids. The cause of these toxic levels include: oral antibiotic use, high sugar diets, immune deficiencies, and genetic factors. If abnormalities are detected in the OAT, treatment can include supplements, vitamins, antioxidants and dietary modification. Upon treatment, patients and physicians have reported significant improvement such as decreased fatigue, regular bowel movements, increased energy and alertness, increased concentration, improved verbal skills, less hyperactivity, and decreased abdominal pain.

IgG Food Allergy Test + Candida | The IgG Food Allergy Test w/ Candida is a useful guide for structuring elimination diets in many chronic conditions. Sometimes referred to as "delayed allergies", IgG food reactions require removal of the offending foods for several months to years. Individuals with neurological, gastrointestinal, and movement disorders often suffer from IgG-mediated food reactions. These people may continue to eat offending foods, unaware of their potential effects. The 93 foods tested in the IgG Food Allergy Test w/ Candida will identify the offending food so they can be eliminated from the diet. This elimination of IgG positive foods can improve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, autism, AD(H)D, cystic fibrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and epilepsy according to numerous clinical studies. Candida problems are caused when the benign yeast form of Candida albicans mutates to its fungal form. Candida can take over sections of the intestinal tract resulting in numerous symptoms. As it grows out of balance it produces toxins that create holes in the lining of the intestines, leading to leaky gut syndrome. After entering the blood, Candida albicans causes an inflammatory immune system response. A wide range of disorders have been linked to Candida including autism, multiple sclerosis, depression, and chronic fatigue. Use of antibiotics, oral contraceptives, chemotherapy, and anti-inflammatory steroids greatly increase susceptibility to Candida.

GI Map Testing | A way to detect parasites and gut bacteria, gluten intolerance and other food sensitivities, hyperactivity, leaky gut syndrome, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, chronic fatigue, constipation, and fibromyalgia.

MycoTox Profile | Mycotoxins are metabolites produced by fungi like mold, which can infest buildings, vehicles, and foodstuffs. MycoTOX screens for eleven different mycotoxins, from 40 species of mold, in one urine sample and is the most comprehensive and competitively priced mycotoxin test available. A majority of mycotoxin exposures are through food ingestion or airborne exposure. Diseases and symptoms linked to mycotoxin exposure include fever, pneumonia-like symptoms, heart disease, rheumatic disease, asthma, sinusitis, cancer, memory loss, vision loss, chronic fatigue, skin rashes, depression, ADHD, anxiety, and liver damage.

Hormone Panel | A method for identifying chemical imbalances that result in sickness and chronic disorders.

Genetic Testing | In some special cases, medical testing is used to identify changes in chromosomes, genes, and proteins to confirm or rule out a suspected genetic condition. It also helps determine chances of developing or passing on a disorder.

Kinesiology Testing | Used to diagnose and treat nervous system problems, to test muscle strength, measure nutritional deficiencies, and discover imbalances in the body’s energy pathways.

WICO Testing and Scoring | Wellness Index Condition Optimal Testing is critical for identifying and reversing pre-diabetes, preventing chronic health conditions, and finding the root cause of symptoms caused by food allergies/sensitivities and nutritional deficiencies.



PEMF Therapy

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy eliminates cancer and tumor cells, reduces inflammation and pain in back, neck, and joints, increases energy levels, and decreases feelings of depression.

Low Voltage PEMF

  • $30 for one session

  • $150 for 6 sessions

  • $300 for 13 sessions

  • $600 for 30 sessions

High Voltage PEMF

  • $70 for one session

  • $550 for 10 sessions (includes 10 low-voltage PEMF sessions to follow each)

Infrared Sauna Therapy

Proven to increase circulation in the body–helping relax muscles to relieve chronic muscle and joint pain. An increase in heart rate and perspiration can also aid in weight loss because it burns a substantial amount of calories.

Infrared Sauna

  • $40 for one visit

  • $300 for 10 visits

Infrared Sauna and Rebounding with Oxygen

  • $500 for 13 visits

Chiropractic Manipulative Therapy

The use of a specific force in a precise direction that helps normalize spinal function. These adjustments help return the bones to a normal position or motion, restoring body's natural healing.

Massage Rates (50 min)

  • Care Plan Patients $80

Healing Foot Soak

Reduces swelling and pain related to inflammation by increasing magnesium levels in the body to promote faster healing.

  • $400 for 10 visits

HUSO Sound Treatment

A patented technology consisting of human sound that has been modulated in a proprietary way by combining specific frequencies, harmonics, and waveforms capable of restoring balance and wellbeing in the brain and body.

Sound Treatment Sessions

$80 for one visit

$700 for 10 visits