Natural Non-Invasive Medical Care For Adults and Children

Dr. Robert Selig's Blog Posts

The Pineal Gland, Zinc, Calcification, and Moon Cycles

KP Richards interviews Dr. Robert Selig discussing the fascinating topic of moon/planet cycles and how they impact women's menstrual cycles, fertility, mental health, birth, and our children's health. Learn about the importance of breaking up a calcium shell and eliminating fluoridated sources that can be damaging to our health. Dr. Selig discusses his findings on copper toxicity and how disconnected we are from the universe when preparing our bodies for pregnancy and giving birth. Dr. Selig also goes into the importance of zinc and how our copper inundated society has caused at least 1/3 of the population to be zinc deficient.

Make sure to watch Dr. Robert Selig's presentation "The Moon - The Mother Principle and Nutrition - Pt. 1 - The Science and Alchemy of Mineral Balancing"

From The Copper Dump podcast with KP Richards


Minerals play a key role in anti-aging, regaining energy, and improving debilitating symptoms. Set up your complimentary consultation to learn more about our program.