Natural Non-Invasive Medical Care For Adults and Children

Dr. Robert Selig's Blog Posts

The Era of Toxic Overload | Interview with Dr. Robert Selig on the Crrow777 Podcast

The Era of Toxic Overload

Watch part one of Dr. Robert Selig’s interview on the Crrow777 podcast. Watch the full episode by subscribing to the Crrow777 podcast here.

Crrow777 podcast episode description:

In this episode we learn more about how to deal with this era of toxic overload. There are a number of important nutrients that are required when one seeks to detox, among other things worth knowing. Also, we cover how, and where, one can test to determine what metals and toxins are present before seeking to detox. As is true of nearly every health-based episode we have done, nutrition matters! It is one thing to know something needs to be done, and an entirely different matter when it comes to knowing how to do it properly. And, if you seek to do something to the best of your ability, knowledge is power. With this maxim in mind, information will follow. May you find value in the information, and apply what you learn in order to reap a beneficial harvest. Truly, the season of harvest (Fall) is near, and in this era we all know what that means, based on the last 23 years. Nonetheless it is a very good time to shed toxins, and experience this unusual time with a clear mind, and improved health.

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