Magnesium: Abundant In The Earth And Deficient In The Human Population
What is one of the most abundant minerals in our world today, yet most deficient in the population today?
You guessed it—magnesium.
There is an inexhaustible supply for which we can extract one million tons of magnesium from one cubic kilometer of seawater.
Yet, most everyone has a magnesium deficiency!
That is fascinating to me, as the mother of all minerals is deficient in the majority of the population.
It's no surprise that there are crippling consequences to human health when Magnesium is deficient or unavailable.
This is due to the fact that magnesium is needed for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body.
Magnesium enables plants to convert solar energy into plant energy, just as magnesium allows humans to convert plant and animal energy into human energy.
Thus, magnesium is the solar power generator for creating energy.
Without energy, life will cease to exist.
Yet why are we so magnesium deficient?
Fascinatingly, there are almost 4000 binding sites for magnesium on human proteins that are essential for building, repairing, and maintaining your body’s cells.
These binding sites are metalloenzymes, which are the lock and key to turn on proteins or enzymes that will not work without magnesium.
In order to form new compounds that will be recognized and used by the body, magnesium must bind to the metalloenzymes so that they can perform the important task of regulating your body’s cells.
The fact that magnesium has so many binding sites indicates that magnesium’s role in maintaining health and preventing disease is far greater than previously thought.
Yet, in orthodox medical circles, this is never discussed.
As a matter of fact, in all my science courses, magnesium was never once mentioned.
Even more of a travesty is our inability to test the status of this nutrient for which the Mg-RBC test is currently the gold standard.
To me, that is ridiculous because most of the cells that utilize Mg are in the mitochondria for which any one cell may have 100's to 1000's of mitochondria depending on the cell type.
The RBC's, on the other hand, do not have mitochondria.
So how in the world can this reveal the status of magnesium?
It cannot, which is why HTMA should be the gold standard for assessing the status of Mg.
Magnesium is needed in approximately 80 percent of the body’s metabolic processes, which are its life-sustaining actions.
This vital mineral allows our bodies to function on a daily basis by activating the enzymes and compounds that are responsible for more than a thousand of the chemical reactions that occur at your body’s cellular level.
Magnesium not only modulates calcium but it is also required as a cofactor for vitamin C, which functions in the defense against cancer, bacterial infections, fungal infections, and viral infections.
The highest vitamin C concentration in any tissue is in the adrenal glands, which is needed to make cortisol and adrenaline.
This means that you need more vitamin C when under stress.
Also, the second highest concentrations of Vitamin C are in the brain and are needed to make dopamine, serotonin, and melatonin.
Hence, low Vitamin C can lead to depression, insomnia, and lethargy.
So when there is vitamin C deficiency, there is an underlying magnesium deficiency at the root.
Magnesium is also a cofactor for many other nutrients, including zinc, potassium, B vitamins, copper, calcium, and vitamin D.
Without magnesium, it would be difficult to absorb and use these necessary nutrients.
So now you know why it's crucial to get an HTMA to check your magnesium levels and begin supplementing with the proper dose of a high quality magnesium supplement.