Natural Non-Invasive Medical Care For Adults and Children

Dr. Robert Selig's Blog Posts

Carbonic Anhydrase - The #1 Zinc-Dependent Metalloenzyme

Watch this short video to learn more about my favorite zinc-dependent metalloenzyme—Carbonic Anhydrase—which gives us carbonic acid and much more—Dr. Robert Selig


Carbonic anhydrase balances out hydrogen, bicarb, and carbon dioxide in the body by allowing carbon dioxide to transform into carbonic acid in the blood stream which removes the carbon dioxide from all the tissues of your body. Zinc is your “alkaline mineral” because of this process.

Carbonic acid finds its way to the stomach and leaves you with bicarb and a hydrogen ion. The bicarb goes back into the blood in exchange for chloride and this gives you the great hydrochloric acid—your first line of defense which allows you to absorb calcium, magnesium, zinc, and iron.

Carbonic acid makes its way out of the lungs as carbon dioxide & H20 gas that becomes food for plants and trees.