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Dr. Robert Selig's Blog Posts

Avoid These 3 Deadly Elements From The Periodic Table

Cadmium is one of the worst poisons on the periodic table because it competes with zinc which is an essential mineral.

Just as cadmium mixes with zinc in the ground, it can also interfere with zinc in the body by replacing it.

Cadmium also sometimes replaces calcium 2+ ions which explains why it affects people’s bones.

Cadmium becomes a replacement part for the nutrient minerals because of nutrient deficiencies and toxic metal exposure.

It is interesting how a poisonous metal such as cadmium can pitch hit for these nutrients, which means a biological adaptation of sorts is happening as a toxic metal changes to useful.

However, cadmium will only be able to perform 20-30% of the chemistry that zinc can do.

Meaning we know that cadmium can’t perform the same roles in the body as zinc and calcium.

Even more deleterious then cadmium is of course mercury which sits right below cadmium on the table of elements and is a horrific neurotoxin all on its own that attacks the nervous system, with a vengeance.

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And to the right of mercury sits the most ghastly of criminal elements in the periodic table—box 81, thallium.

Why Is Thallium So Harmful?

Unless given in a high dose, thallium is an agent that exerts its effects slowly, making it the agonizing mineral of misery and torture.

The chemist John Emsley wrote in his book, Elements of Murder: A History of Poison, that Saddam Hussein used thallium sulfate to poison his opponents.

"One or two grams of thallium would be more than enough to do serious damage," said Dr. Alistair Hay, professor of environmental toxicology at Leeds University, who is not connected to Litvinenko's case.

"Thallium doesn't have a striking taste, so it would be relatively easy to mix it into food."

For poisoning purposes, thallium would be in a powdery or crystallized state.

Its effects are not immediately noticeable and frequently take weeks to kick in.

Its early symptoms are very non-specific, including gastrointestinal problems, such as vomiting, or merely nausea.

For up to four days after the initial symptoms, victims can actually feel and appear in normal health.

At this stage, constipation can be a characteristic sign, but not one that is likely to cause undue concern in the victim.

After this, more unpleasant symptoms can start to kick in.

Once inside, thallium starts destroying the amino acids inside proteins, making them useless.

And, unlike cadmium, thallium doesn’t just stick in the bones or kidneys but travels all over the body, and each atom can do a vast amount of damage.

For these reasons, and because of its use for murder and torture, thallium has gained the nickname "The Poisoner's Poison."

Since thallium is colorless, odorless and tasteless; its slow-acting, painful and wide-ranging symptoms are often suggestive of a host of other illnesses and conditions.

The toxicity of thallium is due to its similarity in properties to potassium and sodium ions.

Potassium ions have some roles in the body, including the transmission of messages through nerves; however, the body cannot distinguish between thallium and potassium, and the incorporation of thallium ions instead means that these roles cannot be carried out.

For example, potassium always loses just one electron to form K+, but thallium can lose one or three electrons to become Tl+ or Tl+3.

As a result, thallium becomes the imposter agent provocateur pretending to be different elements as it bullies its way into many different places in the body.

That’s why thallium is considered the deadliest element on the table.

Among the distinctive effects of thallium poisoning are hair loss and damage to the peripheral nerves giving the sensation that you are walking on hot coals in hell, although the loss of hair only generally occurs in low doses; in high doses, the thallium kills before this can take effect.

Potassium is usually given to thallium-poisoned patients, since it binds to the same sites as thallium in the body, and can help to push it out.

So we can see how toxic metals displace nutrient minerals as a patient begins a detoxification program–yes there will be times when we may not feel great as we remove the metals of disease out of the body.

We may need to take one step back before we can take two steps forward as we embark on our healing journey.